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    Phone: 813-605-0055

    Fax: 813-605-0099


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    4644 W Gandy Blvd., Unit 4 Tampa, FL 33611

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    Monday to Friday
    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sat - Sun (Closed)

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Tag Archives: Prescription Refill


Selfies may sound like the best souvenir from a beautiful visit to a new place. People take millions of them every day to post on social media. Most of the time the photos are simply a fun way to connect with friends and followers, but sometimes the pursuit of the perfect photo can end in … Continue reading

Generic vs Brand-Name Drugs

There has been a lot of debate about generic versus brand-name medication. Are generics really as effective? What is the difference between the two of them? When is one preferable over the other? Health products like generic drugs can look quite different than their brand-name counterparts, despite having the same active ingredient, strength, uses, form, … Continue reading

CONTACT Information

Do you have questions or concerns about your health? Your Choice Pharmacy might be able to help. Get in touch with us soon.

  • 4644 W Gandy Blvd., Unit 4 Tampa, FL 33611
  • Phone: 813-605-0055 Fax: 813-605-0099 Email: YOURCHOICERX@GMAIL.COM

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