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3 Things Men Should Consider Before Taking Viagra


Ever since its invention in 1998, men have relied on Viagra to treat their erectile dysfunction and improve their sex lives. But many have also used it in ways that put their health at risk, like trying to improve athletic performance or boost sexual satisfaction.

Here are three things your dependable pharmacy in Tampa, Florida wants you to know before taking Viagra:

  • Ask your doctor if you actually need it.
    According to male reproductive medicine expert Michael Eisenberg, MD, there are many cases of men buying Viagra even when they don’t really need it. They end up buying the drug without any prescription from a doctor, leaving them without any crucial advice for their health.
  • It can cause side effects.
    Using Viagra is not as simple as it seems. Sometimes, it can cause side effects like heartburn, headaches, dizziness, numbness, and increased eye sensitivity. This is why it’s better to get prescription Viagra than buy it without consulting your doctor. As with other medical supplies in Florida, they can help you weigh the risks of using the drug and whether or not you should use it.
  • It’s dangerous for men with certain conditions.
    “These drugs have known risks that all men need to know about. They can be misused if men are not aware of the dangers,” said Rowen Desouza, MD, director of urology at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital.

You should avoid taking Viagra if you:

  • Have coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, and other related illnesses
  • Take medicine to treat blood pressure problems
  • Have a low tolerance for strenuous activity
  • Have been using recreational drugs, like “poppers”
  • Have medicine-related allergies

While you have every right to use health products to improve your satisfaction in life and in bed, it still pays to get advice from a health professional. Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor about problems with your sexual health.

If you are looking for a safe, reliable source of Viagra and other related medications, contact Your Choice Pharmacy today.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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  • 4644 W Gandy Blvd., Unit 4 Tampa, FL 33611
  • Phone: 813-605-0055 Fax: 813-605-0099 Email: YOURCHOICERX@GMAIL.COM

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